No? To accompany a wife

The society in fast development, China is different, each s reform and opening up - the cultural revolution - went into business - endemic to the Internet, the era of rapid development, Internet let now after 80, living upended predecessor…

tenderness and kindness

The vast boundless prairie, forceful and desolate melodious tunes filar silk, as if to tell an old story, MoBei grasslands swirling an eagle in the sky, blood coagulation in hand, the baby, cry echoed through the prairie, he used his cries…

legends and ordinary dust.

Everyone has their own life, everyone is on track towards your, you, me, him, and would occur where can meet of the century Medicox...Cowardly, does not mean incompetent: strong, also don't have brave, maybe instant will be eternal, but, y…


星新一の小説に「愛用の時計」というお話があるBordeaux Wine。 長いこと大切に使っていた愛用の時計が、とある人生の大切な瞬間に初めて狂ってしまう。 主人はその裏切りに怒り悲しむが、実は・・・ 僕の好きな話の一つである。 腕時計が止まってしまったPo…

The Yamaha PRO 500

The Yamaha PRO 500 space laboratory, which is designed in the U.S., engineered in Japan and made in China, is definitely at the top of the company's new PRO line of headphones. The original are the Beats By Dre released in 2008, which are …

Support in Kenya

A 16-year-old girl now confined to a wheelchair is helping shine a light on what activists say is a largely hidden crime in this East African country: rape.TINGOLO, Kenya — A wave of outrage has grown in Kenya since word has spread that a …

do not take a cloud

It is really just sometimes, dreamed a lot in the future, when actually doing it was found to be inadequate , but I do not know , he really tried ?In fact, really just , I often do not know they should be doing , bored at a loss , but I do…


After a heavy snow at dusk, walking home from school . Hand bend the branches from the street holding the next mass of snow and watched it melt slowly in your hand into water , remembering last year's snow daysshowtime lingerie.That night …

my private blog

I decided to just post it here and not on my private blog, mostly because I want to share my artwork here. I quit individual therapy the day I was able to see a look of horror on my therapist’s face. I knew from day one that she was not go…

I’m not a beauty blogger

I’m not a beauty blogger, obviously, and I’m not that far into the beauty vlogger’s circle; I have a few pet vlogs that I visit when I have the time, but that’s about it. Most days, I don’t even end up putting on makeup anymore. Unless the…

I begin medical school

I begin medical school at Mount Sinai in the fall, which is why this little narrative—all about Wall Street and why it is not evil—must be as brief as it is. I feel qualified to write it because I spent the past year working as an analyst …

How to market computer game

How to market an indie computer game, you thought only music could be Indie...Ha! Indie, Indie, INDIE! Our world today is not only going green, it's going Indie. From music to video games, it's all about the "average Joe".Video games are t…

written into the laws

Martial arts has come along way from what it used to be. Fighters were considered only "boxers" generally and then you had the occasional "stand-up" fighters, such as Karate, Tai Kwon Do. In November of 1993 the first event was held by the…

take care of things

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduati…

human brain

The digital three-dimensional model called "BigBrain" was produced from the thousands of sections made from the brain of a 65-year-old woman. Its resolution is finer than a human hair, so it can reveal clusters of brain.A 65-year-old woman…

The Missed Blessings

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted Asian college of knowledg…


昨年は塩麹や50度洗いや70度蒸しと、素材の味を引き出す調理法がTVで随分と紹介されていたseo hk。塩麹はいち早く作ったのだけれど、冷蔵庫で冬眠?させたたまま、ほとんど実践せず (● ̄▽ ̄●;)ゞ6ヶ月くらいで使い切ると書いてあったのに、すでに1年近い・…